Mindfulness Informed Coaching: Translating Insights into Action

Leveraging Vision, Value, and Relationships to Create Best Possible Outcomes

Mindful Life, Mindful Work, Inc. offers Mindfulness Informed Coaching (MIC) for leaders, teams, and companies looking to refine how they work. Our programs can occur with individual leaders within companies and also with independent career professionals seeking career acceleration. Our standard Career Development Coaching package requires a 3-month minimum commitment.


We also offer a 1:1 Year-Long Executive Leadership Development Coaching Program (ELDCP) for top-level leaders at growing companies. Each year we have eight (8) spots available to participate in this special opportunity for senior-level leaders to work closely with and learn from our CEO Jonathan Reynolds. Spots in this 1:1 program become available throughout the year whenever a previous participant finishes working through the program. Contact us to join our waitlist.


Here are the primary areas addressed by ELDCP:

  • Establishing Personal Vision
  • Mapping Professional Vision
  • Articulating Professional Value
  • Leadership Skills Development
  • Clarifying Leadership Style & Practice
  • Managing Relationships & Teams


The cost for this program is most often covered by the company itself and is in the high five figures. If you or a leader you know is interested in learning more about the work of integrating mindful approaches into their lives, work, and leadership strategies, contact us here.

In addition to our coaching programs for individual professionals, we also offer companies a peer learning and co-development team experience that coaches attendees to perform at higher levels.


For all of our coaching programs, our work will be tailored to your unique work and workplace situation... the relationship you will form with your coach will be the vehicle by which the work of coaching unfolds. By dedicating focused time to further refine your work and how best to design, implement, and leverage it, you'll find you can achieve and sustain higher levels of performance in yourself and your teams, and can do so while maintaining overall balance and happiness.

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Mindful Life, Mindful Work, Inc.

P.O. Box 784, Mill Valley, CA 94942